Hi, dear readers!
Recently I've had new task for Ax7, namely, I had to change behavior of one control on form. For this I must not customize current form, but extend it and create event handler to handle it. This was I done.
And below I just wanted to share with you some thoughts about how we could do it faster and easier:
[FormDataSourceEventHandler(formDataSourceStr(WHSShipmentDetails, WHSShipmentTable), FormDataSourceEventType::Activated)]
public static void WHSShipmentTable_OnActivated(FormDataSource sender, FormDataSourceEventArgs e)
WHSShipmentTable shipmentTable = sender.cursor(); // our Args.record()
//FormDataSource shipmentDs = sender.formRun().dataSource(tableNum(WHSShipmentTable)); // in that way we could get DataSource to manipulate ds fields for example.
FormControl printConfirmControl = sender.formRun().design(0).controlName("ConfirmAndPrintShipmentRun"); //get control to change behavior
After creating new class, build the project and verify whether your event handler works or not.
Hope it'd be helpful!
Looking forward to seeing with you in new posts!